Thank you all for your patience this week during the mandatory 5 day lock down in Perth.
Some measures will still be in place to ensure the safety and well being of the Wembley Golf Course community. We will be reopening the driving range and mini golf from 6.00pm Friday 5th February and opening all areas of the facility tomorrow from 05:15am (business hours to remain the same).
Please adhere to the following measures from 6.00pm on Friday 5th February 2021.
– You must wear a mask while at our facility at ALL times – including golf courses, driving range, mini golf, practice areas and teaching facilities. All PGA Professionals conducting lessons will also be wearing a mask.
– Sanitising stations will be available at the entrance and throughout the golf shop. Hand sanitising is also available at the mini golf and driving range.
– QR codes have been updated and will be compulsory for all who enter our facility. If you are unsure of how to use the SAFE WA App, please ask our staff to assist you or alternatively, you can use our manual sign in sheet. You can also use the SAFE WA App to check in your friends or family as well.
– We will continue to sanitise all hire equipment, including wiping down carts after each use and mini golf putters and driving range equipment including all communal touchpoints.
– Golf bookings will remain the same and we encourage you to book online via our website www.www.wembleygolf.com.au
– We kindly ask that you do not enter our facility if you feel unwell.
Thank you for your continued support and understanding with the current measures in place. Let’s all do the right thing to ensure the safety of all who enter our facility.

Looking forward to seeing you soon,
Josh Madden – General Manager