GOLF PERFORMANCE with Ben Percival
‘Golf – The most consistent game we can play? ‘
I know many of us certainly don’t feel that way about the game of golf when we are out playing or trying to improve our swing on the range. But when we break it down and actually look at the cause and effect of different shots and apply the ball flight laws (basic physics and geometry ) – the results are consistent and very predictable .
For example , if we hit the golf ball low on the clubface it will launch lower than expected with more spin, regardless of who the player is. If we swing the club faster we can potentially make the ball go further…… that is a fact.
If the clubface is open to the clubpath at impact the ball with fade/slice (see below )
If the face is closed to the clubpath then the ball with draw/ hook (see below )
There is always a clear reason behind the behaviour of a golf ball when it is struck – and the reason is constant and measurable. It should not be a mystery or source of frustration for the player .
Once a coach can then measure the shot patterns of a golfer and educate them with the basic ball flight laws, an improvement plan can then be made based on facts and understanding.
The way each individual golfer moves the club can be and should be unique based on body type , physical potential, and experience. The art of the golf instructor is understand and adapt the individual. But the physics that determine where are golf ball goes are certainly constant and very very consistent .
Please contact me on 0438951874 to let me help you with your game. Or follow on Instagram or Facebook
Ben Percival