Humans are creatures of habit ….. we like to do things we are familiar with and comfortable with in all aspects of life.
When we apply that to the improvement of our golf game – we must sometimes check and improve our habits to give ourselves a better chance of success with every shot we hit.
One simple habit that is easily controllable for every single golfer on every single shot is the way they align before hitting the ball.
The clubface is the part of the club and body that has the most direct influence on where the ball will go. Therefore it makes sense to prioritise the clubface and make sure we line that up FIRST and then build our stance and posture around that.
Understand what a square clubface actually looks like and practise the habit of aiming that FIRST when you set up to a shot. I strongly encourage the players I teach to do this on ALL shots with ALL clubs and once this new habit is formed, it is one that will improve your golf performance.
Please contact me for individual, group lessons or join a clinic. 0438951874
You can also follow on Facebook or Instagram for more instruction and information .
Ben Percival (PGA Professional)