The Importance of Set-Up
Hi Wembley Golf Course Readers!
My name is Ricky Oh, I am excited to share my first official installment of this new series. I recently moved into full-time coaching along with a few of the other talented PGA professionals at WGC. I am passionate about teaching everyone from beginner to advanced golfers.
Today I would like to share the importance of set-up (address, position 1).
In the images below, I only corrected the ball position, and it made the shoulder alignment parallel to the target line. Having a ball too far forward can align your shoulder to the left of the target line (Image 1).
Simply changing the ball position made a change of direction of the pivot of the backswing and it improved the impact position (image 2).
If you’d like to have a checkup for your golf swing or are after further golf tips, please book a lesson HERE with Ricky Oh.